
Showing posts from August, 2017

Comments Week 2

Logan- Story in the Summer Week Two Dylan- Summer Story

My First Day of School

     The first day of school was good day. It was my first day of high school coming from a different school. Although I was new i knew a lot of people, and were friends with them. The first day I drove up, and didn't know where to go. I was almost late for my first class. the next class I kind of knew where I was going. I love the rotating schedules.      By the time school was over I was so tired and ready to go home, and then I remembered I had football. At least it was the weekend, and I could sleep in the next day. all in all my first day of high school was a win. I know i will love it.

Free Read Book

     In class and at home I have been reading The Underdogs by Mike Lupica , it is a very good book. It is about a football team that goes through some troubles. I'm only on chapter 3, but it is very good. To me this relates to the episcopal football last year. Although I was not here last year my brother told me all about it. Just like in The Underdogs  they are having to rebuild there team. Just like how the football team had to recover from the flood last year. Episcopal had to fight throw all the bad stuff like not having many practices, or not having a locker room. Thats why I like this book so much.


Landry- My Blog Austin- About Me

My Summer Time

     I had a pretty eventful summer. The first week I went to Orange Beach with my friend. When I came home I had to start summer weights...that was not fun. And then July came around, and i was off to Montana/Canada with my brother and my aunt. I was waiting all summer to go to Glacier National Park.      I went to Glacier National Park, it was so beautiful. We went on hikes and saw spectacular waterfalls. One waterfall was so big the wind it made could knock you over. We went on one hike that was 5 miles long, and we thought it was 2 miles. All my brother wanted to see was a mountain goat. On the very last hike we saw 10 mountain goats. They are very majestic animals. I had an amazing summer with my family.

To Kill a Mockingbird

     I really liked this book and really recommend it to you. I liked seeing Scout and Jem(the main characters) grow up in the 2 years that the book went over. I could really see them both mature from little kids to young adults. This book also taught me to never make my opinion off of other peoples opinions. I also learned I can't judge a person until I have seen life through there perspective. The book also told me to be my self.      This book had 2 different stories in it, one was a trial with a black man against a white man. The other part of the book was a mysterious neighbor named Boo Radly. Scout and Dill were best friends, and very curious about Boo Radly. They made there opinion off of other peoples opinions and thought he was a monster. When they met him he was a very nice guy. They soon knew that they will never make an opinion off of other peoples, and i learned not to either.