
Showing posts from October, 2017

Human Nature

I think humans are flawed. Not one person is the best, everybody has done something they are not supposed to. Sure there are some people there better than others, but if you go down to people them selfs they are all similar. People can always get better though.      I believe everybody messes up sometimes. That is why i believe in second chances. Since everybody messes up, everybody should have second chances. Human nature is a strange thing to think about. Every

Whats the Difference between St. Luke's and Episcopal's School Day?

 The school day's in Episcopal and St. Luke's are completely different. I like Episcopal's day way better. It's a lot more free, and not as repetitive. At St. Luke's everyday would be the same. We did not change classes everyday. I like that a lot more than the same class at the same time everyday. We are also way more free. At St. Luke's you had to be in a certain spot at a certain time. If you weren't you could get in trouble. Unlike at Episcopal, you can go anywhere at tutorial, or break.

Comments Week 2

Cason- What vacations do you want to take and why? Fox- What is your life goal? How do you plan to achieve it?

Comments Week 8

Dylan- Fall Break  Austin- Short Story Free Post

Harrison Bergeron

     We had to read a short story named Harrison Bergeron I really liked it. It was based in a dystopian society. It was also set way in the future, and really makes you think. What if this really happens in the future? I don't know about you, but I do not want the government controlling me my whole life. The climax in the story is literally rising action, they are going to the ceiling, and the falling action is literally him falling in the air. I think that s unique. I liked this short story.

My Fall Break

     I did not do much this fall break. On Wednesday night I went to my friends house and hung out with them, nothing that interesting. On Thursday we had a football game. We had to be at school for 3 in the afternoon. When we got there we went to piccadilly like we normally do before games. Then it was game time, and everybody was pumped for it. We beat Christian Life 56-12. Even though it was varsity I still got to play. That night I went home with my friends, and hung out. Friday I did not do much, just chilled with my family. Saturday i stayed home to watch the LSU football game against Florida. It was a very good game, LSU ended up winning by 1 point. On Sunday I had a lot of homework, so i did that all day. I had a good fall break.

Comments Week 7

Anna Katherine- Flash Short Story Dylan- Flash Short Story

Flash Story

One day 2 boys, Dan and Mike, were walking around in Indiana at night. "Nothing really happens in this state" said Mike. "I agree" responded Dan. So, they went to a bad part of town, and when they got there they said "I bet something will happen tonight." And they were not wrong. When they got there they found a interesting guy to talk to. So, they started talking to this man, and he offered them drugs. Mike and Dan wanted a fun time. so they took them, and used them. Once they were under the influenced, they thought nothing could stop them. They were wrong. Mike and Dan jumped off a peer into the water, and both hit a ground as soon as they hit the water. Mike died from the impact, and Dan survived with only 2 broken legs. Dan lived his whole life with a traumatized memory.

Harrison Bergeron Response

Harrison Bergeron is a very unique short story. The setting is a big factor the story. If it was not a dystopian society, it would not be as unique. The story brings really makes you think, what if we are living that right now? It makes you think about life a lot. This story really left me confused, and a bit creeped out.