Flash Story

One day 2 boys, Dan and Mike, were walking around in Indiana at night. "Nothing really happens in this state" said Mike. "I agree" responded Dan. So, they went to a bad part of town, and when they got there they said "I bet something will happen tonight." And they were not wrong. When they got there they found a interesting guy to talk to. So, they started talking to this man, and he offered them drugs. Mike and Dan wanted a fun time. so they took them, and used them. Once they were under the influenced, they thought nothing could stop them. They were wrong. Mike and Dan jumped off a peer into the water, and both hit a ground as soon as they hit the water. Mike died from the impact, and Dan survived with only 2 broken legs. Dan lived his whole life with a traumatized memory.


  1. Maybe be a little more descriptive, but great story Dew!! I enjoyed reading it!


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