
Showing posts from March, 2018

Comments Q4 W2

Austin- Free Post Dylan- Creative Free Post 

Free Poem Post

Spring break is really fun In that week I get a lot of sun. To the beach i go Look in the sky there is a rainbow It is very calm and relaxing Laying in my chair i feel like a king The waves hitting the sand Sitting here, it feels like wonderland I am with my friends all the time Thanking god it is not school time Catching up on sleep Laying down I count the sheep

Reading Response

     Purple Hibiscus is a very interesting book in my opinion. I think it is very cool how the author incorporates real life Nigerian culture within the book. Culture is fun to learn about because it is completely different everywhere you go. Not one place has the same as the other. Also I think it is very interesting how the author switches between after Palm Sunday, before Palm Sunday, and present time.     I think it is very sad to hear how the dad takes over the children's lives, and makes them do certain things they do not want to do. If you read the back of the book it says that the mom commits a desperate act. I am very curious to what that act is and the effect it has on the book. Things like that make anxious to keep reading, but I do not want to read to fast because it will be over too soon.

Track Athlete Poem

I am a track athlete At great speeds I run, I have to eat Healthy Although it is not very fun I am not that fast Other people blast by me I've started to like sweet tea I am slow But I never say no

Big Green Tractor- Jason Aldean

     In "Big Green Tractor" by Jason Aldean there is a lot of imagery in it. This makes me feel like I am actually in the farm and riding on a tractor. It makes the reader a lot more attentive and listen to the song more closely. There is also a lot of sibilance in this song. Because of this factor the listener is will assume the song is about a girl because of the repetitive of she. This gives the main idea of the song.

Comments Q3W7

Dylan- Normal Weekend Landry- Free post

Launch Day

     I thought launch day was very interesting. My favorite launch thesis was Graham Frazier's. I thought it was very interesting how social media could effect something that much. According to Graham when an announcement went out that a company was being bought by another company, the company being bought went up 2% in the stocks.      I never could have thought that one person/ announcement can drop or gain 10% in stocks. 10% might not sound like a lot, but that is a lot of money if it is a big business.

Free Post 3/5

     My weekend was full of amazingness!! It all started on Friday night, the basketball game. The knights played Neuman, the are pretty good. The game was the most fun high school basketball game I have ever been to. We won which means we advance to the semi finals on Wednesday in Lake Charles.      On Saturday I had my first track meet ever. I am not what you call a fast person. So, i did not do so good in the running events because I am slow. I though the jumping event would be better but I was wrong. I came in last place in the long jump. But i was glad i did it.