My Summer Time

     I had a pretty eventful summer. The first week I went to Orange Beach with my friend. When I came home I had to start summer weights...that was not fun. And then July came around, and i was off to Montana/Canada with my brother and my aunt. I was waiting all summer to go to Glacier National Park.
     I went to Glacier National Park, it was so beautiful. We went on hikes and saw spectacular waterfalls. One waterfall was so big the wind it made could knock you over. We went on one hike that was 5 miles long, and we thought it was 2 miles. All my brother wanted to see was a mountain goat. On the very last hike we saw 10 mountain goats. They are very majestic animals. I had an amazing summer with my family.


  1. I liked how you described about the waterfall at Glacier National Park. I can tell that you had an amazing summer!

  2. Woah! That sounds so fun, good post

  3. Wow! Amazing! Fabulous work of writing! I really hoped you enjoyed your trip to Canada and Montana.

  4. It sounds like you had such a swell time!! So happy for you Dew!

  5. The vivid details are very descriptive and made me feel like I am at Glacier National Park. I know that must have been fun and unbelievable.


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