
Strengths and Challenges

     There were many opportunities to find my strengths and challenges this year. Throughout the year we have written many papers, and reading books, and finding themes, and relating them to things in real life. I'd say one of my strengths is connecting themes within my papers. I think i did a very good job at this in my personal narrative.      One of my challenges was my grammar. I am also not that good at citations. These are both important because you need grammar to make a paper sense. Also with the right wording and grammar you can have double meanings in sentences. You need citations because you can not take things as yours, and it is difficult to find everything you need to cite a source, so I should have asked for more help in the category.

Hits and Misses

     I had a lot of hits and misses throughout Freshman year. We worked on research papers, literary analysis's, personal narrative's, and poems. I'd say a hit this year for me was the research project. I felt very strong on this paper, and I learned a lot about my topic. It was also very fun and interesting to me so I wanted to do it.      One miss for me this year was the beginning of the poetry unit. In the beginning when we learned the definitions I was not very engaged and interested. But later in the unit i had fun writing poems so it was a hit and a miss. Another miss was the literary analysis. I did not do so good on this project because I was not very interested in this. It did really make me want to write a literary analysis.

Comments Q4 W4

Dylan- 80. What makes you happy? Jack- What was your most precious childhood possession? 

Response to Purple Hibiscus

     The Purple Hibiscus is a very good book. I think it is sad to think about how the children and wife get beaten, but do not tell anybody. I think it is interesting to see what the family will do in the future of the book. I am very engaged in the book right now because it is now getting to the more interesting things. I want the kids and wife to speak up next time it happens so that Papa can be shamed in the public for a bad person.      I did not like this book at first because I thought it was boring and slow. The same thing kept happening, and it was depressing. I really like how they incorporate there common language within the book. I think it is strange how they the family always ends up going back to the house with Papa and he does everything all over again. I am really starting to like this book now.

How stressed are you?

     Most of the time in my life I am not really stressed. The only time I get stressed is when I cant do something and it has to be done really soon. Like an assignment that i can figure out how to turn in, and it has to be turned in by a couple of hours. Right now I am a little stressed, but that is normal for somebody to be a little stressed.      There's also another reason I get stressed, and that is when I have bad grades. I do not know why but every time I get bad grades I get very worried that i will not get them up. It does not have to be at the end of the year either, it can just be whenever I do not have good grades. Right now in this category I am not that stressed, and a i feel good about it.

Comments Q4 W3

Dylan- Trump: Syria Cade- Political Post