Lord of the Flies

     Lord of the Flies has been a very good read so far. It really makes me think about humans. Would all humans act this way, or are they going crazy because they do not know what's going on? To be honest, I do not even know how I would react in this scenario. I hope I would react good, and not go crazy. I think I would actually grasps what's going on around me, and use some common sense that there is not beastie.
     Piggy to me is the only sane person in the book. Some people would say that Ralph is also sane, but I think he is quite crazy. The longer they stay there, the more they argue, and the worst it gets. Ralph and Jack are going to reach breaking point, and end up fighting each other I think. As long as they have good shelter and enough food and water the be able to survive until they get rescued. However, they do not have either of those, they need to make stable shelters with branches and trunks, and they need to hunt more.


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