Vocabulary Post

     This Saturday was very eventful. On Saturday, I had to wake up early to go to football. Football was not fun sense the coaches were mad that we lost the game. After football I went home and accidentally fell asleep for a while. When I woke up there were many texts saying come to Dylan's, so I went to Dylan's. We watched the LSU vs Alabama game, and swam. When I jumped into Dylan's pool I went so high I flailed my arms, and hit the water.
     After we got out of the pool we were all sitting outside, and watching the LSU football game. It was a good game on both sides of the ball. Although, LSU lost they still played good. When I was getting up to go to the bathroom outside of Dylan's I accidentally bumped into a table, and broke it. Dylan was not happy, and made me clean up the mess. I had a interesting Saturday.


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