
"How are you doing Mr. Rodger." said Mrs. Tammy
"Fine" said Mr. Rodger with a scowl on his face.
"I noticed you parked in my yard, care to explain" exclaimed Mrs. Tammy
"Oh my bad I did not notice" sarcastically stated Mr. Rodger.
"Well you should really pay attention next time" said Mrs. Tammy
"I said I was sorry" said Mr. Rodger.
"When are you going to stop acting like a 2 year old" said Mrs. Tammy
"Whenever you apologize for killing my flowers" said angrily Mr. Rodger.
Mrs. Tammy did not kill his flowers, but he thinks she did, "For the last time I did not kill them."
"Whatever this conversation is over" exclaimed Mr. Rodger
"Fine then, goodbye" stated Mrs. Tammy


  1. Good job Drew on this dialogue. I like how you made it really dramatic and the grammar was great.


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