Hurricane Katrina

     On the morning August 29th, 2005, hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Louisiana. It was a category 5 in the Gulf of Mexico, but when it hit land it was category 3. The storm started in the Bahamas as a tropical storm on August 23rd. They had time to warn people to evacuate, however 20% of the population stayed. Mayor Ray Nagin declared that the Super-Dome would be a last resort shelter. Katrina claimed the lives of about 2,000 people. Also, the damage spread across 90,000 square miles.
     Although I was only 2 years old I do remember some things from Hurricane Katrina. I had family that lived in New Orleans, and did not evacuate. It was my aunt and her husband. They're house got destroyed in the storm. So came to stay with us for 2 months. They never moved back to New Orleans. They eventually bought a house in Baton Rouge, and are still living here.



  1. I think your aunt and her husband made a right choice to more from New Orleans to Baton Rouge. I'm surprised to hear that you remember something from the time when you were two years old.


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