Political News


     This article is about Tom Bossert resigning from his position in the white house as the top homeland security advisor. He was a very big part in every time of security in the white house not just homeland. He was the responder of natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and cyber incidents. He also is a supervisor of the cybersecurity at NSC.
     I think this is a wise move by Bossert because he can not get involved for too long or else some people might target him. It will be difficult finding another homeland security advisor for the White House. If we would stay too long, and more attacks happen people will blame hm for not having enough security at places. This is a very good idea of Bossert for retiring in this job.


  1. I agree Andrew, retiring was a great choice for his safety. He has served this country well and its time for him to make time to enjoy himself.

  2. I agree Andrew, him retiring was good for him and the White House. His presence will be missed though. We need him to make calls but the next one will be good too. Wondeorus effort!


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